The final chapter of one of the great works of literature. Odysseus and his son Telemachus triumph over the suitors wanting his wife's hand in marriage. An overjoyed Penelope is finally convinced that this is her husband. But there is still one final act to play as the reunited couple is led by the god Hermes to the Land of the Dead to confront the spirit of Odysseus' father, Laertes. It is a gut-wrenching conclusion to the epic journey of this great Greek hero. Don't miss it.
Rated T+
The price of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #8 (2008)" at Comics Conspiracy is USD $4.00.
"Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #8 (2008)" is associated with the Marvel Heroes brand.
The publisher of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #8 (2008)" is Marvel Comics.
The genre of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #8 (2008)" is Action Adventure.
"Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #8 (2008)" falls under the category of Comics.
The artist of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #8 (2008)" is Greg Tocchini.
The writer of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #8 (2008)" is Roy Thomas.