On their way back home to Ithaca, Odysseus and his men stop for supplies at a mysterious isle. Little do they know it is the home to a race of monstrous Cyclopes, one of whom captures Odysseus' party and begins to feast upon them! Summoning all of his courage and wits, Odysseus embarks on a dangerous gambit to free himself and his men as the fate of his journey home takes an ominous turn!
Rated T+
The price of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #3 (2008)" at Comics Conspiracy is USD $4.00.
"Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #3 (2008)" is associated with the Marvel Heroes brand.
The publisher of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #3 (2008)" is Marvel Comics.
The genre of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #3 (2008)" is Action Adventure.
"Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #3 (2008)" falls under the category of Comics.
The artist of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #3 (2008)" is Greg Tocchini.
The writer of "Marvel Illustrated The Odyssey #3 (2008)" is Roy Thomas.