GIVE ME YOUR BEST APOCALYPSE! The Hulk's enemy -- Hercules?! -- gets the upper hand, but not for long. Rick Jones attempts to intervene…but it's no longer clear whose side he should be on. Don't miss a pivotal moment as the Maestro's plans fall into place! Can the being we know as the Hulk survive? Does he want to? 32 PGS./Rated T+
The price of "Maestro #4 Ottley Variant (Of 5)" at Samurai Comics Chandler is USD $5.00.
"Maestro #4 Ottley Variant (Of 5)" is associated with the Marvel Heroes brand.
The publisher of "Maestro #4 Ottley Variant (Of 5)" is Marvel Comics.
The genre of "Maestro #4 Ottley Variant (Of 5)" is Superheroes.
"Maestro #4 Ottley Variant (Of 5)" falls under the category of Comics.
The artist of "Maestro #4 Ottley Variant (Of 5)" is German Peralta. The cover artist is Ryan Ottley.
The writer of "Maestro #4 Ottley Variant (Of 5)" is Peter David.