In the intriguing SUPERMAN: RED SON, the classic myth of the Man of Steel is reimagined and reinvented as the infamous rocket ship crash-lands in the fields of the Ukraine. Raised in Russia, Superman grows to become the Soviet Union's greatest weapon as the world is transformed into a communist state opposed only by the crumbling capitalistic America and its President Lex Luthor. Now as Superman stands on the brink of ultimate power, three heroes, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern, each make a valiant stand to destroy the reign of the Man of Steel.
The price of "Superman Graphic Novel Red Son" at Comics Conspiracy is USD $9.00.
The publisher of "Superman Graphic Novel Red Son" is DC Entertainment.
The genre of "Superman Graphic Novel Red Son" is Superheroes.
"Superman Graphic Novel Red Son" falls under the category of Graphic Novels.
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