The beloved shojo tale of one-sided rivalry, revenge, and romance!In elementary school, the rich and spoiled Yanagi Naoto ruled his class in studies and sports. But he suffered the first setback of his life when Kujou Mikoto, a girl from a poor family, transferred to his school and outperformed him at every turn. Reeling from this unforgivable blow to his pride, Naoto decided that he had to make Mikoto lose at something…by making her lose her heart to him! Now, both in college, Naoto proposes one “last game” with Mikoto–but who will be the winner?
The price of "Last Game Manga Volume 1" at Comic Realms is USD $14.99.
The publisher of "Last Game Manga Volume 1" is Seven Seas Entertainment LLC.
The genre of "Last Game Manga Volume 1" is Fantasy.
"Last Game Manga Volume 1" falls under the category of Manga.
The writer of "Last Game Manga Volume 1" is Shinobu Amano.