The new manga series from Kei Sanbe, the master of suspense behind Erased, plunges an innocent young boy into Tokyo's criminal underworld, as he fights to keep his younger sister alive, and to return his soul to his own body!Evading police, suspicious neighbors, jealous boyfriends, and the traitorous co-conspirator after his body, Minato is tracked down by the mysterious Dodokai and asked to do their bidding. His plans to return home and figure out what happened to his body, now occupied by the mind of the murderer whose body he occupies, are becoming harder and harder to realize.
The price of "Island In A Puddle Manga Volume 3 (Mature)" at Comic Realms is USD $12.99.
The publisher of "Island In A Puddle Manga Volume 3 (Mature)" is Kodansha Comics.
The genre of "Island In A Puddle Manga Volume 3 (Mature)" is Romance.
"Island In A Puddle Manga Volume 3 (Mature)" falls under the category of Manga.
The artist of "Island In A Puddle Manga Volume 3 (Mature)" is Kei Sanbe. The cover artist is Kei Sanbe.
The writer of "Island In A Puddle Manga Volume 3 (Mature)" is Kei Sanbe.