From Super7. No matter how you slice it, the sentient war-machine Buzz-Saw is a cut above the rest of the henchmen in Mon*Star's Mob. This cartoon-accurate, made-to-order 8' fully articulated Buzz-Saw ULTIMATES! figure comes with interchangeable heads and hands and a variety of accessories, including his bird companion, Shredator! Kick off your SilverHawks collection with Buzz-Saw and the rest of the first wave of ULTIMATES! Figures!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bst Axn Comic Wave 1 Donatello Comic Heroes 5in Fig
The price of "Silverhawks Ultimates Buzz-Saw Figure" at Big Bang Comics is EUR €42.00.
The publisher of "Silverhawks Ultimates Buzz-Saw Figure" is Super7.
The genre of "Silverhawks Ultimates Buzz-Saw Figure" is Action Adventure.
"Silverhawks Ultimates Buzz-Saw Figure" falls under the category of Action Figures.
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** Offer expires at midnight .