COVER BY MARK BAGLEYBRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (W)/MARK BAGLEY (P)After reuniting with his childhood friend Eddie Brock, Peter Parker discovers a terrible secret about their fathers' past ... a secret that quickly results in a confrontation with Venom, Spider-Man's evil, dark twin.Collects the sold-out Ultimate Spider-Man #33-39!168 PGS./FC
The price of "Ultimate Spider-Man Graphic Novel Volume 6" at Austin Books & Comics is USD $15.99.
"Ultimate Spider-Man Graphic Novel Volume 6" is associated with the Spider-Man brand.
The publisher of "Ultimate Spider-Man Graphic Novel Volume 6" is Marvel Comics.
The genre of "Ultimate Spider-Man Graphic Novel Volume 6" is Superheroes.
"Ultimate Spider-Man Graphic Novel Volume 6" falls under the category of Graphic Novels.