Dive into the extraordinary world created by Osamu Tezuka, author of world-renowned titles Astro Boy and Dororo. Readers are thrown into the life of Imari Daisaku, a filmmaker whose fanciful creations have fallen of favor in a society dominated by scientific triumphs. However, his life changes forever when he encounters a peculiar group led by Count Alucard, and he receives an extraordinary gift; I.L, a mysterious mannequin with the power of shapeshifting. Together, Daisaku and I.L utilize the phenomenal transformative abilities to help those in need and are propelled into an array of thrilling and haphazard adventures.
The price of "Il Graphic Novel" at Austin Books & Comics is USD $16.99.
The publisher of "Il Graphic Novel" is Titan Publishing.
The genre of "Il Graphic Novel" is Science Fiction.
"Il Graphic Novel" falls under the category of Graphic Novels.
The artist of "Il Graphic Novel" is Osamu Tezuka. The cover artist is Osamu Tezuka.
The writer of "Il Graphic Novel" is Osamu Tezuka.